Identity: 17th Biennale of Sydney



Barnbrook Design is currently fashioning the idenity for the 17th Biennale of Sydney entitled, “THE BEAUTY OF DISTANCE: Songs of Survival in a Precarious Age” and set to take place in 2010. We’re creating everything from business cards, t-shirts, brochures (PDF download), a website (currently only a temp site is up), the exhibition catalogue and numerous other ephemera. The whole project is shaping up quite nicely and visitors to the exhibition are in for quite a treat.

David Elliott, Artistic Director for the biennale, said this about the exhibition concept: “There is no more suitable stage than Sydney for this exhibition. It will take place against the iconic backdrop of the harbour and Sydney Opera House at the site where British explorers first encountered the local inhabitants. At that time, colonial powers believed western civilisation was invincible and that they had the right to collect and possess universal knowledge. We now recognise such an ambition is both infantile and dangerous. 

  “In a land that has traditionally regarded distance as a disadvantage, the art specially chosen for this exhibition will celebrate the many different beauties of distance by showing contemporary perspectives from all around the world. It will be an exceptional experience – challenging, but above all enjoyable.”

  The design uses a modular system which is easily reconfigurable to accommodate all the applications necessary for such a large scale campaign.  The studio also drew inspiration from the source of the Biennale’s subtitle “Songs of Survival in a Precarious Age,” in addition to Harry Everett Smith’s compilation of historic recordings, “Anthology of American Folk Music.”   