Damien Hirst: Theories, Models, Methods, Approaches, Assumptions, Results and Findings

Hirst’s work, Theories, Models, Methods, Approaches, Assumptions, Results and Findings (2000) consists of two glass and steel vitrines containing air-blowers above which ping-pong balls are kept in a state of constant flux. The piece was first shown in the exhibition of the same name presented at Gagosian Gallery, New York, in 2000. The exhibition took scientific research as its organisational criterion.

The catalogue, published in 2000 by Gagosian Gallery, incorporates journal articles that the artist related to his works. In the case of Theories, Models, Methods, Approaches, Assumptions, Results and Findings this was a study into the epidemiology of interpersonal violence. The design mixes medical images and texts with images of Hirst’s work. Making the viewer unsure where the science finishes and the art begins. The cover features one of the great themes of painting— mortality and the question of what happens after death. In this case represented by a medical diagram showing the processes of decomposition of the human body.

The invitation — a printed table tennis ball housed in a bespoke box — contained paper with fake dosage instructions.